


Toyota is more than doubling its investment in the electric-vehicle battery plant planned for the Greensboro-Randolph Megasite and adding 20% more jobs than previously announced while saying even more growth may be yet to come.

丰田今天表示将增加2美元.50亿美元,350个工作岗位.去年12月,该公司宣布投资290亿美元,创造1750个就业岗位. 这将使总投资达到3美元.8 billion and the total number of jobs in the first phase of the project to approximately 2,100 jobs. 该公司的目标是在2025年在丰田电池制造公司开始生产, 北卡罗莱纳, 这就是所谓的电池厂.

The investment adds capacity to support production for battery-electric vehicles, or BEVs. 该工厂将为纯电动汽车和混合动力汽车生产电池, 称为hev, 比如丰田著名的普锐斯.

“This plant will serve a central role in Toyota’s leadership toward a fully electrified future and will help us meet our goal of carbon neutrality in our vehicles and global operations by 2035,诺姆·巴富诺说, senior vice president for Unit Manufacturing and Engineering at Toyota Motor North America.

“这对丰田来说是一个激动人心的时刻, 以及我们即将雇用的许多北卡罗来纳人,TBMNC主席肖恩·萨格斯说. “This incremental investment reflects our continued commitment to ensuring jobs and future economic growth for the Triad region.”

This is not the second phase of the plant that was mentioned as a possibility in the original site announcement, but 巴富诺告诉《玛雅吧游戏app》 that more investment in the site is possible and even likely.

而不是, Toyota's decision is an incremental increase tied to clear indications of the demand for electrified vehicles, 巴富诺告诉《玛雅吧游戏app》.

“As we continue to watch the marketplace a little bit and we see that conversion going, 我们觉得我们必须做好准备, 现在就是这样做的时候了.”

这也不是向全电池电动汽车和卡车的必然转变. 丰田的普锐斯是第一款获得广泛认可的大品牌混合动力车, 从那以后,丰田在很大程度上强调混合动力,而不是全电池, 推出首款全电动车型, 的bZ4X, 今年年初.

The increase in capacity in 北卡罗莱纳 is still part of Toyota’s strategy of having a mix of hybrid gasoline-electric, 插电式混合动力车, 纯, 在某种程度上,消费者可以选择燃料电池电动汽车.

“We think the portfolio approach is one that we still want to move forward with,巴富诺说. “We still want to capture all of the audience in terms of the customer demand that's out there. We have to work very hard on things like reducing the costs of pure battery electric vehicles. And those are the things we're working on hard, but the other alternatives are out there today.

“我们对这些替代方案感到非常自豪. 他们是可靠的,可靠的,有很好的客户反应. 所以我不认为这是一个直接的位移. 我认为它为投资组合方法增加了更多内容.”

Toyota's news follows recent federal legislation meant to stimulate domestic electric-vehicle production, 加州决定在2035年禁止销售大多数新型内燃机, 而行业预测电力需求将快速增长.

“我们仍然认为这只是一个开始. 我们有一个漫长而光明的未来。. "This is really to support the electrification activity that's under way for Toyota here in North America.”

他补充称:“我们确实预计会有更多增长. 但我们认为这是一种增量增长,可以让我们在2025年为这些客户做好准备.”

The employee headcount isn’t doubling because the investment expansion is tied to the shift to more all-electric production, 然而.

“These battery-electric batteries are larger; they have more capacity because that's going to be the single propulsion unit for the entire vehicle,巴富诺说. “足迹改变了。. 因此,工艺设备设计和建筑设计也是如此.”


“那片土地有很多斜坡, 我们必须把它弄平,把建筑建在合适的空间里. 现在一切都在计划之中. 我们对此感觉很好.”

丰田任命了由萨格斯领导的地方领导层和一名人力资源代表. 他们希望雇佣有良好沟通技巧的人, 具有团队合作的能力, 还有谁想要学习, Bafunno说.

“我们提供的工作保障、工资和福利都将非常出色. 更重要的是, 这是团队合作, 你知道, 我们在寻找能够帮助我们实现我们从未做过的事情的人, 是哪个在制造电池和电气化, 第一次在北美展出. 所以这对他们来说是一种整洁,令人兴奋的未来.”

和几乎所有制造商一样, Toyota strategically is trying to simplify and localize its supply chains when possible. 现在当地没有什么可宣布的, 但这是该公司推动电气化的总体目标.

“丰田的理念是,我们希望在有销路的地方生产产品, and you can see that with the configuration of the product and plants that we have here in the U.S. 和北美,”巴富诺说. “我们将继续在电气化方面做同样的事情. …

"We have a whole team of our Purchasing Group in North America that is looking at supply chain configurations, 既用于原料,也用于精炼. But it's very strategic and very important that we expand it right here in this region. 我们正在朝着这个方向努力.”

Toyota has opened an email address for any businesses interested in potentially becoming suppliers for TBMNC, 包括从清洁服务到草坪维护到保安服务的所有业务. 地址是:TBMNC.潜在的

来源: 三合会商业日报



ASHEBORO — What will be the encore after a year of unprecedented industrial development in Randolph County? 

While celebrating Toyota Battery coming to the Greensboro-Randolph Megasite and Technimark announcing expansion to create 220 new jobs, the Randolph County Economic Development Corporation’s annual meeting addressed the question: What’s next?

会议于8月8日举行. 9 at Pinewood Country Club with representatives from business, government and education present. 斯科特·达, EDC董事会即将离任的主席, 鲍勃·克拉姆利, 传入的椅子, 回顾过去一年的成就,展望未来.

“无论以何种标准衡量,2021-2022都是成功的,”达尔说. “但我们正在为更多的工作做准备,从这里开始.”

经济发展中的最大利好, 不仅是今年,也是本县历史上规模最大的一次, 丰田计划投资1美元吗.290亿美元用于在北美建立其第一家电动汽车电池厂.

制造工厂将雇用1人,在四条生产线上有750名工人, 每个能生产200个,锂离子电池的年产量. 计划于2025年开始生产.

Technimark, 总部位于阿什伯勒的全球塑料注射成型制造商, announced plans to invest $62 million to expand its healthcare production operations while creating more than 200 jobs, 这将使该县的总劳动力增加到大约1人,600. 该公司目前是该县最大的私营部门雇主.

在财政年度宣布的其他扩张是米奇卡车尸体在三一, 拉姆瑟的工匠拖车, 阿奇代尔的海福乐美国公司和阿奇代尔的Aeolus过滤器公司. 

在2021-2022财政年度,总共有2042个新工作岗位,投资超过1美元.该县报告了360亿美元和40万美元的经济发展赠款. 这些投资将在五年内产生成果.

尽管有这么多好消息, Darr said Randolph County is behind others in the region at providing shovel-ready industrial sites. There are sites in Archdale and Sophia that are being developed but many more locations are needed to attract business.


Daniel Morris of Pinnacle Bank will head a group to create an inventory of potential industrial sites, 利用公共/私人合作伙伴关系准备规范建筑以吸引工业.

另一个委员会, 由伦道夫社区学院的谢莉·格林主持, 会努力吸引新工人来这个县吗. Of particular interest will be military men and women leaving the Armed Services from bases such as Fort Bragg.

Other goals listed by Crumley include letting existing businesses know who the EDC is and how it can help them. He also wants the EDC to develop a five-year work plan that would take the county to the next level.

“这些委员会不会什么都不做,”克拉姆利说. “我们有很多事情要做,但我很兴奋. 我们已经准备好处理这些问题了.”

凯文·富兰克林, EDC总统, 介绍了来自Technimark和丰田公司的演讲者来谈论他们公司的计划. Chris Clark of Technimark said their expansion will increase the company’s production of healthcare proponents.

克拉克说,Technimark在全球有12个网站,超过5个,公司在全球拥有近5000名员工,年收入达8.25亿美元. 他说,这家公司排名第一. 9 .行业内.

认识到员工对Technimark的成功至关重要, 他说,该公司致力于他们. 该公司也意识到自己对社区的影响, 提供“小库”,并为希望工程提供资源, 联合劝募协会和美国红十字会.

作为Technimark的全球总部, 阿什伯勒有一个创新中心和五个生产工厂, 工资也高于伦道夫县的平均水平.

丰田公司北卡罗莱纳州制造业副总裁唐·斯图尔特(Don Stewart)代表丰田发言.

他说,公司的首要任务是“创造一个安全的工作场所”.“一旦2025年开始生产, 他说, 它们将为混合动力汽车提供电池, 生产电池和模块,运往汽车组装厂.

Stewart said Toyota has 15 plants in North America and has built 42 million vehicles here. 他说,该公司在美国销售的汽车中有75%是在美国制造的.

那么,丰田选择greenboro - randolph Megasite的标准是什么呢? 斯图尔特列出了靠近供应链的原因, 高质量的教育体系和多样化的劳动力. “Megasite超出了我们所有的预期,”他说.

斯图尔特说,对他的公司来说,最重要的是“减少碳排放”.” Toyota plans to expand its fleet to 70 electrified models, with hybrids being a big part. 丰田是美国最畅销的混合动力车, 他说, adding that Toyota’s goal is for its vehicles in North America to be carbon neutral by 2030 and globally by 2050.

Megasite的分级工作于今年1月开始, the executive team began arriving in 6月 and construction of the first building began in 7月. 领导团队应该在今年秋天到达现场,招聘将于明年开始. 第一批电池将于2025年下线.

富兰克林结束了会议, saying the assembled group had seen a “picture of really great things happening in the county. 敬请期待,接下来还有更多精彩内容.”
